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Participate in a collective and multidisciplinary Residence creating the Metaverse in the space of ESPRONCEDA Institute of Art and Culture.



Espronceda Institute of Art and Culture

ESPRONCEDA – Institute of Art & Culture is a Barcelona-based artistic and cultural research and dissemination center. It has exhibition spaces, workshops areas and accommodation for residence.



IMMENSIVA is a platform, managed by Espronceda, for the creation and innovation on projects that are exploring immersion, interaction and gamification by involving interdisciplinary teams, art driven, who are working with advanced technologies (VR, XR, AI, 3D sound, real time scanners, sensors, robotics and many others). The projects are very experimental and social engaged because IMMENSIVA wish to generate impact in the community and innovation value. Network and partnership with international institutions are building the strength of the platform to attracting talent and to generate opportunities for startup’s creation and international promotion for the developed projects.



NUBIA (NFTs Universe in the Blockchain for International Artists) is a new platform launched by IMMENSIVA. The creation of Metaverses and the generation of new experiences is explored by invited artists. These proposals, between the physical and the digital, are connected to the blockchain economy, through the generation of NFTs associated with digital artistic works and physical works. The Metaverses proposed by the artists have their own rules, they use gamification, immersion and interaction to invite collectors, visitors and experts to be part of the immensity of NUBIA and to experience, interact and socialize in new worlds inhabited by artworks. curatorially selected, and fantastic avatars.



NUBiA LAB consists of a local artists/creative residency program to develop innovative projects while being mentored and invited to workshops in the technological and artistic field by several mentors, in addition to a subsequent exhibition and selection of curatorial projects. Therefore, projects will have the opportunity to join the platform located at

Previously, there will be a selection of 6 Local Artists/Creatives from a call promoted through social networks. The residence will take place at the ESPRONCEDA Institute of Art and Culture and will have all the services necessary for the team’s possible stay during the day. The period of residence will be mixed: eye and online, depending on the availability of the participant (30% compulsory eye in the Sporceda facility). From 23 November to 12 December 2022.

The process of conceptualization and creation will last 3 weeks in which participants will create different experimental prototypes of the Metavers and other realities in 2/3-person teams. NUBiA has technological teams for development as well as a mentoring process with industry experts and teachers

Objective of the call

Generate innovative liminal projects between the physical and digital worlds. Introduce to a jury coordinated by NUBIA different projects relating to the Metavers, Web3, Blockchain, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Intelligence, Artificial among others. Finally, he participated in the final exhibition in the art gallery of Esronceda Institute of Art and Culture.

Inviting new artists and creatives, selected by a professional jury, to join the NUBIA community, in which we will upload their profile to the website and the project will be recorded in Blockchain. Projects that reach the appropriate level could be invited to participate in subsequent exhibitions in Spronceda or other associated centers.


Selection process

The calls are open to candidates from all over Catalonia who have knowledge of advanced technologies (any level), and who have an artistic, creative, or technical background. The call will be published on 4 November 2022 and will remain open until 21 November. The selection of the open call will be announced shortly after the user submits their portfolio and proposal. Favoring creative young people and artists who are interested or studying undergraduate or university degrees linked to creation and new technologies.

The finalist project resulting from the residence, will be selected by a professional jury consisting of members of the various IMMUNO/Bubborn 2022 partners. It will be announced on 21 December.

How can I apply to this proposal?
It’s very simple, you have to fill in the form below and we’ll send you an e-mail as we accepted your proposal/candidacy!


Evaluation criteria

NUBIA Lab is not just for artists, it is for all kinds of internal-disciplinary profiles that want to participate in Metavers projects. Among the various criteria are:

Previous experience working with NFT/blockchain projects.
Knowledge of immersive technologies, to later generate a Metaverse in the NUBian world.
Artistic concept of the proposal.
People who are willing to engage in a project and learn.


What does the residence include

NuBIA Call 2022 participants will have access to the training of online workshops and eye-catches in advanced Metaverse technologies managed by field professionals. From 23 to 30 November: Indential and online workshops on technologies and key competencies to go into the creation of Metaversos. These workshops will be carried out by teachers or people linked to the major universities of Catalonia: UB, UPC, UOC, Pompeu Fabra, Ramon Llull, UAB, Tecno Campus Mataró, Neapolis Vilanova and la Geltrú, etc. International experts and consolidated and visionary artists of the Metavers are also invited.


The proposed workshops are as follows: (duration of workshops from 2 to 4 hours each, exact dates to be defined).
1) Artificial Intelligence tools workshop for creative applications. Presidential and online.
2) Virtual Taller Reality. Presidential and online.
3) Creative Storytelling Workshop and Glogification: Presential.
4) Project execution workshop/installs. online.

Indential workshops provide the opportunity for creative artists who do not have access to complex equipment to work with them, such as virtual reality glasses, computers with good graphics cards or computing capacity.

The most theoretical workshops, will be online (via YouTube) will be open to a larger number of attendees and are also available on the project website: NUBIA.

Spronce has a limited number of equipment: VR headphones, laptops, PCs, projectors, displays, speakers, etc., which can be used for project exposure and development.

Invitation to the Galaxy Network VR tour exhibition in Spronceda, with the artistic and technical commentary of each of the works.

Invitation to the NUBIA NFT drop will take place on November 29, with the auctioning of digital works/NFTs by artists/creators that are already part of the NUBIA platform.

On 15 and 16 December Ideathon will be held, in groups of 2 or 3 creative to consolidate the projects with the mentors, in which they will be able to expound the ideas created so far and find the best way to iterate them, to achieve a better degree of excellence among the proposals.

On 21 December 2022, prototypes of the Metavers projects will be displayed in front of the jury and public opening. The winning project will also be announced and the production award will be delivered.


The activity of artistic residence of research and proposed creation begins on 4 November until 21 December 2022. NUBIA Lab wants to bring the creation of Metaversos closer to citizenship and students to boost interest in a sector that searches for talent and imagination. Below is a summary of the events that will arise throughout the residence.

4-11-2022 Open NUBiA LAB Summon
21-11-2022 Date of receiving nominations in NUBiA LAB call
22-11-2022 NUBiA LAB Residence Start and Workshop VR
23-11-2022 Artificial Intelligence/Creation Workshop for Cristina de Propios (Artificia)
23-11-2022 Creative storytelling workshop and ludification. In charge of George of (Neapolis)
29-11-2022 NFT DROP NUBiA
2-12-2022 Visit guided Galaxy Network VR exposure
15-12-2022 Ideathon for project consolidation
21-12-2022 curatorial selection of winning projects
21-12-2022 Project Exhibition at Espronceda Institute of Art and Culture

Awards and Grants

The November 4, 2022 call offers a total of 6 creation grants consisting of:
1) Free and unlimited access to Sporceda technical equipment: laptops, virtual reality glasses, projectors, LED displays, etc.
2) Lodging in the residence spaces for creator artists from outside Barcelona.
3) Maintenance gases: EUR 200/ Projects.
4) Final prize of 1.500 Euro for the production of the project chosen by the jury.


NUBIA participants are required to publicize the NUBIA program from the moment they are selected, during their work process and after it, using labels and logos provided by the organization.

Artists must provide an executable copy of the project for NUBIA, for which it may require installation on a created hardsoftware” hardware, as well as delivering a memory with the project description and its technical description for perfect execution.

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