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About Us

What is Nubia?

NUBIA (NFT Universe in Blockchain for International Artists) is an ecosystem that oscillates between non-fungible tokens, international artists and collectors or visitors. This platform offers the possibility for everyone to participate in an immersive experience. We are the gate of the Metaverse, do you join us?

Nubia gives artists the possibility to create their own NFT by uploading the content to their own platform called Metaverse Experience. These NFT will also be available on the website. This platform has its own interactive token, which is used to upload artistic content in the form of NFT through a smart contract. Once the content is uploaded, it will generate benefit in the form of *Nubia Coins by the simple fact of being on the platform for the public, with the possibility that a hunter or collector can buy it.

Metaverse, is the new world that oscillates between the real and the digital that we all want to enter. Therefore, Nubia is the gateway to this unstoppable new phenomenon that will be present in the lives of many people in the years to come. This second iteration of the internet today is a real phenomenon.

With the entrance to this new world, Nubia maintains a great variety of Metaverses created by international and local artists in which the NFTs laid by the invited artists can be located. These Metaverses may also be purchased as a non-expendable token experience and the experiences are personalized by each of the invited artists. In the first moment there are several inaugural artists and will be more guest artists at the next Open Call.

On the other hand, among the Metaverses that will take place within this platform, there will be one elaborated by a very special guest, who will receive the name of Premium Metaverse, In it there will exist a clear interaction improved and it will be possible to see represented the works of greater impact of all the Metaverses of NUBIA. To access this Metaverse, the visitor, hunter or collector must possess at least one NFT raised in NUBIA, or contribute Nubia Coins.

Metaverse Experience will be accessible from mobile and computer from the Nubia website, also offers the possibility to be downloaded and executed as an application. In the case of Metaverse Experience Premium, it will be possible to interact with virtual reality glasses, in addition to the accessibility mentioned above.

*Nubia Coin is the official token of NUBIA, which is based on the Ethereum network.

The future is already here, and we are aware of it.

Road Map 2022


Opening Nubia


Open Call Artists and Creatives


NUBIA: unknown territories



Our Team

Holger Sprengel


He is an art lover. He holds an MBA and PhD in Law. Holger is Managing Director in Nurogames and Nuromedia and attracted by the idea of STARTS and believes that artists can trigger innovation. With many companies founded both in the digital and bricks&mortar sector he believes that that art and culture is to make the earth a better place.

Henrik Sprengel


He is a serial entrepreur with experience with converting ideas into real businesses, since a decade. Based in Barcelona he feels truly European. His conviction that the EARTH without art would be “EH” makes him a strong believer in art & culture and in espronceda.

Marc Gálvez 

Technical Creative Developer

is a video game developer and technology, art and culture activist. He is passionate about the creation of all kinds of applications and multimedia solutions, in which the programming, design and art from the creative, educational and gamified point of view.


Solimán López 


Solimán López is an artist, researcher, founder of the
Harddiskmuseum and Director of Innovation at
Superior School of Art and Technology. Considered
as one of the great representatives of art
Spanish digital in recent years.

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